A Moment of Mindful Movement with The Grounded Yogi

We sat down with Rima from The Grounded Yogi to understand how Yoga helps business owners think more clearly, make better business decisions and have overall peace amongst chaos.

Rima, what is Yoga and why is it so important in today’s world?

Yoga is a spiritual practice that promotes a connection between your mind and body. Now more than ever, we need a way of disconnecting from all the noise and distraction around us in order to tune in with our own self. With stress levels and burn out rising each day, Yoga is a practice that each of us can benefit from.

How can implementing Yoga help a business owner?

Yoga is an adaptable practice and can provide business owners with tools to ensure they succeed, without burning themselves out.

For example, there are pranayama (breathing) techniques that restore calm when you are feeling anxious. There are yoga postures designed to energise the body or strengthen the spine and correct bad posture.

Most business owners at early stages of their journey lack a lot of time and feel guilty for “taking a break” – what is your advice to them?

I completely understand that time can be so short for business owners. The best way to look at your Yoga practice is not the time you’re taking away but what you’re getting back. Even a 10 minute morning practice can increase productivity, provide focus and clarity so you can make better business decisions. At the end of the day, a few minutes of calm can help you unwind and be able to sleep better to restore for another day of business success!

Check out more from our fellow Grounded Yogi here.

